Confirmation of hexadecapole deformation in 20Ne from scattering of 68 MeV 3He particles p. 25 R. de Swiniarski, G. Bagieu, A.J. Cole, P. Gaillard, A. Guichard, J.Y. Grossiord, M. Gusakow and J.R. Pizzi DOI: AbstractPDF (443.9 KB)References
Computer « experiments » on solid rare gases : the dynamical structure factor S(Q, ω) p. 29 J.-P. Hansen and M.-L. Klein DOI: AbstractPDF (437.1 KB)References
Observation of edge dislocation lines in an a-phase smectic p. 33 C.E. Williams and M. Kleman DOI: AbstractPDF (521.3 KB)References
Chemisorption of indium on (111) silicon by a mass spectrometric technique p. 37 T.T.A. Nguyen and B.K. Chakraverty DOI: AbstractPDF (435.6 KB)References