J. Physique Lett.
Volume 37, Number 1, janvier 1976
Page(s) 9 - 11
J. Physique Lett. 37, 9-11 (1976)
DOI: 10.1051/jphyslet:019760037010900

On the cross-over from percolation to conduction in a random potential

J. Friedel

Physique des Solides , Université Paris-Sud Orsay, France

Toulouse's recent proposal for cross-over energy between classical percolation and quantum conduction in a random potential is obtained by comparing the tunnelling depth to the size of the classically allowed regions.

La proposition récente de Toulouse pour l'énergie de transition entre percolation classique et conduction quantique dans un potentiel aléatoire est obtenue en comparant la profondeur de pénétration tunnel à la taille des régions permises classiquement.

7130 - Metal insulator transitions and other electronic transitions.
7200 - Electronic transport in condensed matter.

Key words
electrical conductivity of solids -- metal insulator transition -- random potential -- classical percolation -- quantum conduction -- tunnelling depth -- percolation to conduction crossover