Study of unsteady convection through simultaneous velocity and interferometric measurements p. 505 P. Bergé and M. Dubois DOI: AbstractPDF (914.7 KB)References
Expansion of the H+2 ground state energy in inverse powers of the distance between the two protons p. 511 E. Brezin and J. Zinn-Justin DOI: AbstractPDF (190.9 KB)References
Optogalvanic detection of barium high-lying levels with a two-step pulsed laser excitation p. 513 P. Camus, M. Dieulin and C. Morillon DOI: AbstractPDF (654.5 KB)References
Crystalline arrangement of some disc like compounds p. 519 M. Cotrait, P. Marsau, C. Destrade and J. Malthete DOI: AbstractPDF (586.5 KB)References
Viscosity and reptation time in polystyrene-benzene semidilute solutions p. 523 M. Adam and M. Delsanti DOI: AbstractPDF (538.0 KB)References
Viscosity and radial distribution function in PbxSe (1-x) melts for stoechiometric and peritectic compositions p. 529 G. Chaussemy and A. Laugier DOI: AbstractPDF (614.8 KB)References