Pair breaking mechanism in cold fission p. 527 H. Nifenecker, G. Mariolopoulos and J.P. Bocquet DOI: AbstractPDF (345.2 KB)References
Polarization of calcium atomic fluorescence due to a coherence effect in the photodissociation of Ca2 molecules p. 531 J. Vigué, P. Grangier, G. Roger and A. Aspect DOI: AbstractPDF (726.6 KB)References
Cascade of period doubling bifurcations and large stochasticity in the motions of a compass p. 537 V. Croquette and C. Poitou DOI: AbstractPDF (505.2 KB)References
The effect of crystallinity on the morphology of evaporated Al-Ge thin films p. 541 A. Kapitulnik, M.L. Rappaport and G. Deutscher DOI: AbstractPDF (341.6 KB)References
X-ray diffuse scattering study of superstructure formation in tetramethyltetraselenafulvalenium perrhenate (TMTSF)2ReO4 and nitrate (TMTSF) 2NO3 p. 543 J.P. Pouget, R. Moret, R. Comes and K. Bechgaard DOI: AbstractPDF (665.5 KB)References
Positron lifetime in vacancy-impurity complexes p. 547 C. Corbel and R.P. Gupta DOI: AbstractPDF (602.1 KB)References