The localization transition on the Bethe lattice p. 411 H. Kunz and B. Souillard DOI: AbstractPDF (480.9 KB)References
Dynamics of the shape transition of a magnetic ferrofluid drop p. 415 J.-C. Bacri and D. Salin DOI: AbstractPDF (620.5 KB)References
Simulation cinétique du phénomène d'agrégation p. 421 C. Allain and B. Jouhier DOI: AbstractPDF (1.014 MB)References
Low lying yrast states of 32S p. 429 R.M. Freeman, F. Haas, C. Beck and A. Niemeskem DOI: AbstractPDF (354.9 KB)References
Acoustic phonon absorption and dispersion in hydroxyl-doped KCl crystals at low temperatures p. 433 J.F. Berret, J. Pelous and R. Vacher DOI: AbstractPDF (948.3 KB)References