The Ising model in a transverse field on comb-like ramified linear structures p. 237 R. Jullien, K.A. Penson and P. Pfeuty DOI: AbstractPDF (455.6 KB)References
26Al measurement with a cyclotron p. 241 G.M. Raisbeck, F. Yiou and C. Stephan DOI: AbstractPDF (524.7 KB)References
Kinetic theory of magnetic field generation in the resonant absorption of light p. 245 P. Mora and R. Pellat DOI: AbstractPDF (547.4 KB)References
Surface relaxation and electronic structure of Mo and W (100) p. 249 M.C. Desjonquères DOI: AbstractPDF (517.1 KB)References
Theoretical calculation of Tc for lead p. 253 A.D. Zdetsis, E.N. Economou and D.A. Papaconstantopoulos DOI: AbstractPDF (391.3 KB)References