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DMR study of the magnetic field orientation of the lyotropic-nematic phase of poly (n-hexylisocyanate) solution in toluene-d 8 p. 379 J.K. Moscicki, B. Robin-Lherbier, D. Canet and S.M. Aharoni DOI: AbstractPDF (839.1 KB)References
Hexagonal columnar mesophase Dh in a new organometallic disk-like compound p. 387 A.M. Godquin-Giroud, G. Sigaud, M.F. Achard and F. Hardouin DOI: AbstractPDF (552.6 KB)References
Structural and electrical properties of (TMTTF)2MF6 salts (M = P, As, Sb). Rôle of the anions p. 393 R. Laversanne, C. Coulon, B. Gallois, J.P. Pouget and R. Moret DOI: AbstractPDF (822.5 KB)References