Stretched exponential relaxation in systems with random free energies p. 463 C. De Dominicis, H. Orland and F. Lainée DOI: AbstractPDF (370.7 KB)References
Evidence of capillary hyperdiffusion in two-phase fluid flows p. 467 J.-C. Bacri, C. Leygnac and D. Salin DOI: AbstractPDF (727.0 KB)References
Conditions for a consistent picture of critical phenomena in a strongly coupled ionic mixture p. 475 D. Léger and C. Deutsch DOI: AbstractPDF (631.2 KB)References
Topological instability of magnetic fluids p. 483 B.M. Berkovsky and V.I. Kalikmanov DOI: AbstractPDF (800.9 KB)References
Indirect NMR detection of 235U in gaseous uranium hexafluoride p. 493 I. Ursu, D.E. Demco, M. Bogdan, P. Fitori and A. Darabont DOI: AbstractPDF (500.7 KB)References
Pseudo-lamellar ordering in uniaxial and biaxial lyotropic nematics : a synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiment p. 499 A.M. Figueiredo Neto, Y. Galerne, A.M. Levelut and L. Liebert DOI: AbstractPDF (859.5 KB)References
Defected structural modulation in the charge density wave compounds 1T-TaS2 and 1T-TaSe2 p. 507 G. Salvetti, C. Roucau, R. Ayroles, H. Mutka and P. Molinié DOI: AbstractPDF (663.2 KB)References
Pores and their number in bilayer lipid membranes p. 513 I. Bivas DOI: AbstractPDF (989.8 KB)References