Systematic effetcs of nuclear deformation on the neutron-nucleus cross-sectionEffets systématiques des déformations nucléaires sur la section efficace totale neutron-noyau p. 111 Ch. Lagrange DOI: AbstractPDF (612.8 KB)References
Mass and charge identification of the light products of the reaction 40Ar + natNi p. 117 B. Gatty, D. Guerreau, M. Lefort, J. Pouthas, X. Tarrago, J. Galin, B. Cauvin, J. Girard and H. Nifenecker DOI: AbstractPDF (438.7 KB)References
On the (╣ + ╦) vibration-rotation band of 12CH4 methaneSur la bande de vibration-rotation (ν1 + ν4) du méthane 12CH4 p. 121 B. Bobin DOI: AbstractPDF (449.3 KB)References
Specific heat associated to Kondo effect in Co1+xAl1-x compoundsChaleur spécifique associée a l'effet Kondo dans les composés Co1+xAl1-x p. 125 J.J. Begot, R. Caudron, P. Faivre and P. Costa DOI: AbstractPDF (447.2 KB)References
Nuclear magnetic relaxation of 23Na in beta-alumina electrolytes p. 129 D. Jérome and J.P. Boilot DOI: AbstractPDF (527.4 KB)References
Remarks on entanglements and rubber elasticity p. 133 P.G. de Gennes DOI: AbstractPDF (343.1 KB)References
Optical properties and spin dynamics of ferromagnetic K2CuF 4 p. 135 W. Kleemann and Y. Farge DOI: AbstractPDF (550.3 KB)References
On the relationship between miscibility and structure for smectic A, B and C phases p. 139 A. de Vries DOI: AbstractPDF (370.1 KB)References
Measurement of some viscosity coefficients in the nematic phase of a liquid crystalMesure de quelques coefficients de viscosité dans la phase nématique d'un cristal liquide p. 141 J.C. Bacri DOI: AbstractPDF (279.8 KB)References
Vibration spectra of ammonium sulfate in the far infrared range, in the para- and ferroelectric phasesSpectres de vibration du sulfate d'ammonium dans l'infrarouge lointain, dans les phases para- et ferroélectrique p. 143 F. Bréhat, B. Wyncke, H. Fuzellier and A. Hadni DOI: AbstractPDF (345.1 KB)References
BCS-mechanism and phonon softening in one-dimensional systems p. 147 A. Birnboim and H. Gutfreund DOI: AbstractPDF (418.7 KB)References
Uniaxial rotational diffusion in the smectic B phase of TBBA observed by quasi-elastic neutron scattering p. 151 H. Hervet, F. Volino, A.J. Dianoux and R.E. Lechner DOI: AbstractPDF (719.1 KB)References
Different types of smectic H phases p. 157 A. de Vries DOI: AbstractPDF (373.1 KB)References
Compression induced smectic-A to smectic-C phase change in a liquid crystal p. 161 R. Ribotta, R.B. Meyer and G. Durand DOI: AbstractPDF (521.7 KB)References
Dynamics of angular fluctuations in a liquid crystal near a second order nematic to smectic a phase transition p. 165 D. Salin, I.W. Smith and G. Durand DOI: AbstractPDF (665.7 KB)References