The onset of dilatant behaviour in non-inertial flow of dilute polymer solutions through channels with varying cross-sections p. 201 G. Chauveteau and M. Moan DOI: AbstractPDF (567.2 KB)References
Observation of splitting and optical satellites on the Hδ line of hydrogen due to non-resonant interaction with a CO2 laser radiation p. 205 P. Pignolet, B. Dubreuil, P. Davy and J. Minard DOI: AbstractPDF (650.3 KB)References
XeCl laser pumped by an electron beam and X-ray assisted discharge p. 211 B. Forestier, B. Fontaine and T. Solenne DOI: AbstractPDF (535.0 KB)References
Sur une expression explicite de l'effet de rotation dans la fonction d'onde de vibration-rotation d'une molécule diatomique p. 215 H. Kobeissi DOI: AbstractPDF (405.2 KB)References
Temperature and orientation dependences of the E.S.R. linewidth in T.M.M.C. p. 219 G. Ablart, D. Bourdel, J. Pescia, S. Clement and J.P. Renard DOI: AbstractPDF (465.7 KB)References